‘Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different?’ C.S. Lewis
I’m now trying to rewind the full picture puzzle 2016 has been, mostly made of perks of parenthood, longer nights and shorter days, terrible twos ‘fringe benefits’, meltdowns and hard core negotiating sessions with the tiny human, a wedding after 10 years of other (less tough) adult negotiations, a professional conversion which is still work in progress while carrying the blues of a recent miscarrying, and last but not least, an often broken heart between two countries, two families, two worlds…Yet the blessings and the winter symbols unfolding are greater: gathering the entire family together around the Christmas tree, the (out of tune) carol singing, the Santa trail the toddler doesn’t get (yet!), the snowman teambuilding remain priceless gifts from the passing year.
Here’s my humble list of things I will avoid calling new year resolutions (as I hope I have already started working on each of them in 2016), plus no one really needs to get to the last day of December to learn it’s high time for a new start…
1. Unplug
Probably the best medicine even the doctor would recommend. When the surroundings become slightly overwhelming, anytime you feel it’s time for a break, disconnect yourself from the burden momentum, unplug yourself instead of making more excuses to carry on. Recharge your batteries and even all around you will benefit from your move…

2. Break habits
Well, break the bad ones, nourish the good ones. This is one topic that could easily go into thousands of research books and phycological studies, but start with little ones that you feel they drag you down. Admit to yourself which is this bad practice that requires your full attention and put it all down on paper to make it more official. Start counting, they say it takes up to a whopping 254 days, bring it on, New Year! 😉

3. Take a leap of faith
Quit comparing yourself to others around you. Listen to your inner voice and follow your instinct more often, especially when you’re a parent. Another lesson learnt, 2016, thanks!
4. De-clutter. Re-organise yourself.
I’m writing this down because these two are a hot topic in my household. 2017, bring on the change! As I can’t (obviously) be an expert on giving tips here, I am now waiting for yours…
5. Practice random kindness
Or throw kindness like confetti as my favourite insta quotes this year kept reminding me throughout 2016…

6. Don’t neglect the little things…
Life is made of little things that on the long run could easily make a bigger difference than what we consider big events and circumstances…Lesson learnt, 2016!

7. Do not doubt yourself
‘Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will’…
8. Try your best
It’s all a learning curve; we are not born experienced parents or perfect cooks, but we can watch ourselves grow…
9. When you have the power to make someone happy, do it
…the world needs more of that…

10. More sunsets, more laughter, more world discovery…
More time spent with your family, more listening to their wishes and needs…More attention to your role within their lives…
11. Let it go
I’ve also learnt (sometimes the harder way) that some things and certain people must go…Let them.
12. Embrace the goodness of No Nos
‘No’ is often challenging for a ‘yes’ person such as I am. Say No when you truly feel it to keep those yeses healthy.

13. Go on me-dates
In 2017 I plan to spend more time with myself, seeking more inner peace (hard to think this really exists around terrible twos and a busy household!). It may sound like a dry stereotype, but spending time with yourself can help you get to know yourself better, you can notice that being alone does not mean feeling lonely, you understand who you really are and not who the world wants you to be, you learn how to accept yourself. This, to me, is mandatory for a tickled pink house.

14. Keep your sparkle on
Blue days, unfortunate events, a loss here and there, long work hours, a moody tiny human…Some days can be less fun, yet sparkles are contagious. Remind yourself to keep a smile on, it will attract others.
15. Slow down
When you feel there are too many tasks piling up, too many commitments and routines are getting tougher taking over your day, stop for a second and prioritise, postpone the uneesential bits, slow down to recharge your batteries…
Photo credit: loveliest team made of Lylia and Gulya, the talented photographers behind L&G Photography; I had been working with many photographers for various projects, but I can say we had a brilliant time shooting with these guys in Winter Wonderland, Hyde Park. Their effortless style helped the tiny human unwind in front of their professional cameras; and so did we 🙂
Contact email: landgphoto@gmail.com
Facebook: L&G Photography
Instagram: landg_photo

Sometimes when things are falling apart, they may be actually falling into place..
Have a Happy New Year and keep working on all good things 2016 helped you achieve.
Best wishes x
Aly @allmumstalk