I have tried so many times to write down my 2020 birth story, but I didn’t find the time; often I even felt that I couldn’t find the right words to express how I actually felt going through the birth experience this particular year…
Nonetheless it was a great feeling putting this down for Cherub Magazine, so I basically am reliving every minute of it…
It’s been exactly six months since we reached the first peak of the pandemic and the very moment I became a mum of three. My birth story was supposed to be slightly different, I was so ready for a home delivery, both mentally and physically, but 2020 had different plans for me…
How it all began…

It was 3am on the 20th of April when my more serious contractions started – I was already eight days overdue and let me tell you, the third time round can be a bit of a frustrating wait, but he was finally making a move. I was feeling both rather thrilled and anxious about this arrival – a new baby to join our family was a dream, but giving birth to him during a pandemic felt like a bit of a nightmare, especially as it all seemed to run like a bad movie that we hadn’t ever experienced before in our lifetime (except when watching Hollywood movies.) Even then, you couldn’t make this up!
Nevertheless, I tried to focus less on the corona madness and more on enjoying my last birthing journey. Except, wait… I was going to have to do this one entirely on my own! Until the labour started I didn’t quite mentally accept that this stage would be without my mum – who was present during my first 2 deliveries, or without my husband – who was probably a bit relieved having to look after the other 2 and avoid his own anxiety which went through the roof each time he got close to the hospital environment, thanks to the fun things this dreadful virus was doing to his mind. I might have freaked out for a few minutes when it was confirmed that partners are not allowed during birth (there was a chance one could get through during the active birth stage, but not encouraged at all.) Then I came to realise I wasn’t going to be alone at all – I had the best gift ready to make my arms full!
The baby arrived so quickly I didn’t even have time to see if Justin (my husband) made it home with the kids. They all dropped me at the hospital at 8am and, about one hour later – while he was feeding them breakfast – an emotional FaceTime call confirmed that a healthy happy baby was already ready to leave the hospital and join the noisy tribe.
I’m forever grateful to the amazing NHS staff who are working harder to keep us and our babies safe! I’m so happy I managed to pack my thank you rainbow organic cotton tee from Kindred (all proceeds from selling these t-shirts have been donated to support the NHS charities) and so grateful for all the beautiful support I’ve been given by my wonderful midwife Josie. Seven hours later, on the very same day, we were on our way home.
It was an experience that I will never forget and I hope my children will forever tell the tale of how their mummy gave birth to their baby brother, alone, while the world was in a global pandemic.
Thinking of all expecting mums and their babies during these uncertain times, all I can say is “you’ve got this!”
We may feel robbed of certain experiences or a bit sad we can’t share them all with our loved ones, but the most important things remain, our resilience, hope for a better future and the safety of our new bundle of joy.
You can find more amazing stories from the mum next door on Cherub Magazine