2021 family workouts wish list


After 3 kids, 3 lockdowns, a multitude of bad habits and a glorious move into the countryside, it only made sense that a lifestyle change was so needed for each and every one of us!

I’ve been a foodie my whole life, but since the first lockdown all I’ve done was complaining about the lack of sleep and ‘rewarding’ myself with all kind of naughty treats which most often included boxes of chocolates, tons of ice cream, millions of madeleines and billions of candy. Daily. Without moving much at all! Nagging the kids every 5 minutes to pick up their toys from the floor and chopping veggies for dinner hardly counts as workout :))

However we left the big city and moved to a village where life didn’t change much while I was still spending a lot of time indoors unpacking and looking for excuses to be close to my dear fridge. But the more we started to explore and discover the village, the woods area around it and lots of hidden gems, the more we fell in love and started to feel better. I started to feel better and more alive than ever! Eating less sweets, started to cycle and work on a better diet and spend more time with the kids…Life is good again! Still mountains of laundry and tons of work emails each day, but making time for a long walk or bike ride has completely changed our life!

Kids cycling Thule
We pretty much rely on our Thule gear for all things outdoorsy. The latest addition is the Thule Yepp Nexxt Maxi Frame Mounted bike seat that fits so well on the bike and it’s so so so light and easy to mount. The Chariot 2 we’ve been using for a couple of years is a dream, too, especially as we can keep both younger kids in it when one falls asleep in the bike seat. If you followed my journey on Instagram you might have noticed why we have been the biggest fans of Thule for over 10 years. We used the brand a lot before we became parents, but our parenthood journey is a little bit smoother now thanks to the cleverly designed products which are meant to last for years.

Thule bike seat

Last but not least, I’m seriously proud of the achievements we made during the challenging 2020, the house move was the best decision we made in years and the fact that we started to be more active is the second best decision so I hope 2021 will be a fit one 😉

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