I’m the Grinch who stole Halloween this year; the partypooper who did not want to buy or, be an ace, frisky mum to DIY a Halloween outfit (or bake those horrid cupcakes and bloodcurling finger biscuits). I did not spend any time researching on costume ideas, writing any spooky blog posts or improvising on my (rather poor) sewing skills like I did last Halloween – for various reasons I won’t bore you with, except for one. My non-Halloween costume choice is the result of choosing to feel normal on this one day when everyone is trying to hide who they are for fun (as normal is rather a rare gem these days in my life as a working from home mother, cleaner, cook, teacher, wife, lego organiser, socks colour consultant).
We, tired, on-the-go, trying to breath-it-all-in-mums, are often Halloweeny enough most of the year when wearing ghostly eye circles and frightful hairstyles (half combed, half in a real need of a quick dry shampoo fix), leggings that become horrendous by the passing years and of course, shockingly oversized baggy sweatshirts that only the bedtime story wicked witches would wear.
So here it is. My booo-spine-chilling outfit. Don’t rush into judging me too hard because this is by all means NO cheating (just because Wonder Woman looks more like the safer, obvious choice !). It is for fun I chose it too.
Halloween is that one holiday per calendar year when you’re free to be whoever you want to be, either Peter Pan’s Tinker Bell kind of bonny fairy or one of Edgar Allan Poe’s crime scene characters, but why not a resemblance of the good looking younger version of yourself?! Just today…Before they need to eat, nap, climb the toilet and colour your walls again.
Today I refuse to be my toddler’s Humpty Dumpty as the Temperley London leather skirt seems more like a sole occasion of dressing up. I’d rather hide under the coolest Saint Wools beanie and a dash of maskara so I can go party (wild) like a mother in the park always does – with hot chocolate treats, feeding roiwdy ducks and pushing the overloaded buggy uphill and downhill. Because these are the days he’ll be remembering me by later, not the face painting or the sugar high trick or treat bucket I’d half eat myself by the time dinner is ready.
Halloween fashion tips are not over.
Accessorise the overall outfit with one piece of tiny human who is wearing his terrible-twos mask and a full-on tantrum superhero cap. Then capture the moment (if can’t be bothered, get Anna to do it for you – she’s quite alright at capturing the effortless side of messy motherhood ;))
This is my Halloween costume this year…Tremendous labour to put it all together despite the #instamummy sweatshirt truth printed by the coolest mum bebind Gigi Loves Blake (which by the way is blowing all my cover efforts! Yet I don’t mind since I’m trying to be more of myself these days)…

So who are you this year? 🎃
For more tiny creatures, spooky goblins & perky merry fairies, there’s always a throw back Halloween…
Photography by Anna Pawleta
Beanies by Saint Wools
Sweatshirts by Gigi Loves Blake Shop
Leather skirt by Temperley London, Somerset collection by Alice in John Lewis
Wool coat by Ralph Lauren
Toddler’s shirt by Ralph Lauren Kids
Toodler’s shoes by Cara Bonita Kids
Boots by Zara
Aly @allmumstalk