London Transport Museum


I haven’t been a Londoner forever, yet I can’t forgive myself for spending so many years in the capital without visiting The London Transport Museum. I had to wait for motherhood to take over my entire existence and a snooping toddler to drag us and see old busses and choo-choo trains (both count as some of his first words too!). In order to make sure you won’t delay your visit to the museum, I’m giving away a family pass to a lucky reader (check out full details below, and share a comment about your favourite London family places and activities).

First of all, here it is: the very conclusion in my very introductory paragraph: this place is unbelievably wondrous for children of all ages (starting with my better half, oh yes, him too was as overjoyed as his frenzy toddler). The Museum is focusing on the great connection between transport and the growth of modern London, its culture and society since 1800. We learn all about the iconic red London bus and the world’s first Underground steam train; also there’s the padded cell (the train carriage dating back to the 1890s).

The first floor of the London Transport Museum holds perhaps the most exciting displays, including the first underground engine which is steam-powered and a wooden Metropolitan Railway coach (converted to electricity in 1901). Lots of other interesting things caught our adult eye such as Harry Beck’s original tube map or Frank Pick, the man responsible for starting this brilliant brand called the London Underground while starting the emblematic bar and circle logo which are now part of London’s visual identity. I’m trying not to give away too much as you may like to discover things by yourself (so do not google it before you plan your visit, I’m telling you, people tend to get over excited about London’s giant red buses and you may get on big spoiler surprises aka full detailed descriptions of each corner of the museum).

This is useful for parents though: there is a play area designed for children up to 7 where everyone can climb on and off mini vehicles, pretend they are the bus drivers, sail the ‘Thames Nipper’ or have their fun with musical instruments on busking spots. In order to keep infants entertained, there’s a baby DLR which features an interactive wall and building blocks.

There’s a few phone snaps (as the camera’s battery was killed by a tantrumous toddler on the way there!)


The London Transport Museum, Covent Garden Piazza, London WC2E 7BB

So, cool mums, bumps and lovely bundles, feel free to share a comment below or on AllMumsTalk’s Facebook page, mentioning your favourite London activity or place; or #allmumstalk on Insta; the selected comment/ hashtag will bring along a family pass at The London Transport Museum. Winner to be announced by Friday, the 22nd of April 2016.

Good luck and start sharing x





  1. Thanks! I have tried to post on the page and the article but I am not sure it worked.

    Here is my comment anyway:

    My favourite London activity is the Science Museum because my three year old is extremely inquisitive and loves the garden and the bubble show!

  2. Pauline, read the article as it has all info and leave a comment in the comments box; also follow AllMumsTalk’s Facebook page for updates and future competitions, I’m currently working on a few 🎈🎈🎈

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