5 MUM must-have fashion essentials for this summer

Summer up, mama 👄💄👠

We, mums, would love to have it all: get Audrey’s style, join Sarah Jessica Parker’s in her latest fashion trends, be the cool slim model from the magazines while being a good mum. Excuse me, a great mum. While continuing to pop babies. And make it seem as effortlessly as possible, please! But we, busy mums, don’t even have the time to sort out the chaos our tiny humans end up creating inside our wardrobes (I’m sure you too fall more or less victim to the viciously creative toddler who loves unpacking, spreading things around and creating mountain piles of clothes mess wherever his crawling tiny wandering limbs take him to; or to the beauty princess who has to try mummy’s wedding dress, hats and high heels all at once before deciding on her nighttime not that interesting gown pyjamas). It’s no wonder I used to end up wearing the same t-shirt three days in a raw as I couldn’t find the energy to look for matching clothes or try articles on to see how they would go together. While it’s all pure joy, there’s a solution for everything and here are my top honest tips for this summer – tips of how I made my life easier since following my own tricks (which I got from the best teacher – the experience with toddlers around) while keeping some style on, a touch of current trends and tiny bit of fun dressing up. With minimum shopping requirements because, let’s be honest, who has the time for this?!

1. Summer up with the old straw hat

British summer may not be exactly the Hawaiian exotic experience, however there’s sun spells and you need protection. And for a touch of style, make sure you have the old straw hat around and your dress, shorts or baggy shirt will remain happy and look cooler. And get one for your child, sun cream is sometimes not enough and it’s never too early to glam up and be the cool kid on the block. Accessorise with sun glasses. Easy, right? 

2. Summer up in that jumpsuit   

I discovered this is the very best summer can offer in terms of outfits. Maybe summer is here already and you don’t feel completely comfortable with your postpartum body yet, therefore give this a chance. They are usually looser covering areas you don’t really want to show off like bum or belly. Perfect I find for parks, picnics, running after your bundles or simply for going out if you work a little bit on accessories. 


3. Comfort on platforms      

Who says mums should forget about feeling confident while taller and loose yhr favourite pairs of shoes. Get the comfy platforms and you’ll still be able to keeper  with your children running around while your confidence boost remains in one piece. Motherhood is not all about flats and snickers, you know…


4. Glam up the nappy bag  

How many things we have to carry around for these tiny humans…Nappies, wipes, muslins, creams, changing clothes etc etc. Then add the toys and scooters they want to bring along. As sometimes we have to forget about having the space for our own bag, try and glam up the nappy one. It will highlight your outfit.


5. Yummy jewellery 

Wait, forget about your Chanel earrings and golden necklace, the chances are they’ll be ruined in a split second of your baby’s tantrums or you’d constantly be threatened they will want to put it in their mouths. Do not despair, there’s chewable jewellery you can both make good use of. And it’s getting more and more popular among mothers who learn the tricks 😉

These are my very top easy tricks, please share your own and let’s inspire each other this summer 😉

Follow me on my Facebook page Allmumstalk for lots of fun summer updates & events.



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