Chez Peggy’s


We’ve got baby fat rolls and we’ve got toddlerhood under the same roof. We’ve got teething and we’ve schools applications to fill. Mornings don’t feel like mornings anymore, afternoons tea is the new brunch (not Dorchester style, but endless mugs of lukewarm tea while chasing toddlers with the bawl of pasta). Life with two turns out to be more interesting, yet somehow very different than my early days with one wandering all day at the museums…

Nonetheless, despite Amelie joining the gang, living with two boys still is messy socks scattered across the floor and cupboards full of snacks. It’s lego rockets, space ships, androids, asteroids, astronauts, aliens, and ‘I’m hungry’ lines ten times a day.

That’s why every now and then I’m going for THE cupcake, in my dandy dress while putting on some effortless pixels. My city escapes with Anna seem to have a touch of magic (aka carefree hot chocolate drinking and red lippie, during lucky slots of baby sleeping in her buggy); they’re not meant to depict motherhood at its finest. Nop. Nee. Non. Nu. Nein. That’s left for midnight cuddles.

I’m wearing a red dress (with the top half soaked in breastmilk) trying to remind myself the last time my husband and I have had a proper date without an audience. It’s been four years. It’s true. It’s been our choice though, having the kids with us everywhere we go, sometimes slightly overwhelming, sometimes more fun than expected, but we love having them both with us on holidays, or uninvited on friends’ birthdays in a pub in central London, and every night in our bed (the beauty of cosleeping won’t last much longer and I’m sure we’ll miss there kicks in the ribs and the pain on the spine). ;))

But before I lose my train of thought, today is girls’ day out, while being on a quest for trying everything Valentine’s with the girlfriends: the cupcake we won’t have to share with the other half, the dressing up and taking photos not all of our partners have much patience with. If you might think this is slightly shallow, well, after months of white nights of teething and feeding, changing and wiping, this is the treat my inner tired mumma craves for Valentine’s. I wouldn’t want to get her crossed 😉

Enjoy the gallery, get craving and go chez Peggy’s for a scumptious Lulu Luscious Lips Chocolate Cupcake. This place needs no introduction, it keeps me happy and the hubby knows me well enough to come home with a weekly sweet treat.

Yet Anna and I have been hooked anyway, I keep coming back for seasonal changes while she’s often booked by mums who crave both the cupcakes and the pixels in this bloggers’ dream location…




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