Organic September may be gone, but my bathroom shelves are staying organic all year round. Truth is I never really paid much attention to my skincare until I reach my mid 30s when I started to notice the first real signs of aging. I tried therefore to establish a routine that would work for me around my busy schedule as a working mum of three.
The Green People AGE DEFY+ Range (tailored for everyone age 35+) has been a staple during the past couple of years, there has been a long term love for the team behind this truly green brand. Not only because they are natural and organic, kind to sensitive skin, cruelty free and vegan plus free from ethyl alcohol & gluten, but it comes up as a great range for the entire family, I’ve been using Green People for my children included, for at least 5 years now and I’m personally still excited each time I see a new green product launch of theirs.
Here’s my skin routine on one of those unusually less busy days while working from home (I find it a little easier to stick to a routine since all children are now in pre-school/ school).
Step 1 The ice facial is my newest trick to brighten my skin instantly while waking up those endorphins early in the day! Especially after a night of little sleep. I recently started embracing the benefits of cold water and I can only do up to a minute, but I can’t/ won’t stop! I highly recommend dunking your face into ice water. I’m gradually getting better and better and face steaming too (think home spa at its finest, around your favourite tea bag and a couple of Green People facial oil drops).
Step 2 Age Defy+ Purify & Hydrate Cream Cleanser – this is an anti ageing cleanser to purify and balance the complexion and I couldn’t love it more! It feels rich, and light at the same time!!
Step 3 A touch of Age Defy+ Collagen Boost Vitamin C Serum – a radiance boosting collagen serum with Vitamin C, Bakuchi Oil & Hyaluronic Acid which I’ve been using all summer.
Step 4. Age Defy+ Daily SP30 Moisturiser – EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THE YEAR! I do use a lot of SPF during summer time, up to factor 50, yet you’ll find this little bottle of 30 SPF goodness in my car, bags and often pockets! I’ve become better at researching the benefits of wearing it daily. I’m planning to write a dedicated piece on the subject, there’s a LOT to cover, you wouldn’t believe the facts science got for us in the past decade.
Step 5. There are facial oils and there is the Age Defy+ Cell Enrich Facial Oil. The one product that I love even under my makeup, yet especially before going to bed.
Final step: drink drink drink water! I’m skin can easily tell the difference on the days when I don’t have enough water…

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts in case you ever got to try anything Green People (I’m pretty sure one way or another most of us came across at least one of their green products). I’m usually shopping on Ocado, especially on those days when I run out of my essentials, or directly on their beautiful website where you can find a full description of each range and find the one that works best for you.

Had to end this post with an unfiltered shot. Just a touch of makeup and all the brightness from my my Green People x