Or 20 if we count toenails. I said adios to this once the new addition to the family stepped into our house and souls. Obviously there’s not much time to go to a salon place plus the buggy won’t take care of itself. Or if I somehow manage to go, there is not enough time until a seeking confort scream manages to destroy a perfect fresh manicure job. It can be worse though, a friend who has older children is often complaining about missing nail varnish bottles as her offsprings are using them as magic potion for their dolls and their doll castle-house…

Don’t you just love all those posh mums with their perfect hair, impeccable French manicure, wearing the best shade of red lipstick while elegantly keeping a very steady balance on a gorgeous pair of stylish high hills sandals? Ok, now back to the real world. I’ll though admit that I quite managed to wear high hills a couple of times more often than expected (until someone discovered the amazing activity called walking!). The pram was easy to manage, the dresses started to fit again, the sleeping was getting better and event opportunities kept coming. Either for a birthday party or a friend’s leaving drinks, high hills were always there for me. Now they are almost extinct as there’s always a female relative who feels entitled to borrow strongly believing that because you’re a mum now your favourite pairs of shoes would massively suffer a lack of attention which would only lead to a nervous breakdown? And shoes must be happy at all times! But that’s alright, now sneaky snickers are best at chasing toddlers…