Countryside walks and crisp air


Finding random photos that I forgot about on my phone brings me a lot of joy on a grey day, especially as new baby days are quite blurry…I will never take for granted our move to the countryside either, I’ll come back with a list of pros soon, the kiddies have never been happier. Meanwhile I just wanted to document these fun shots from early spring when nature was just coming alive…

Thule babybjorn motherhood uk

Baby-wearing en route to Waddesdon Manor or pushing double buggies on muddy paths in the woods is how our life in the countryside started! I’ve been a brand ambassador for both BabyBjorn and Thule since my first baby, and I consider myself lucky to be able to work and make the most of their expertise on a daily basis. We’ve been Thule fans for over a decade in case you haven’t caught much on my insta life.

I didn’t intent to wrote an entire blog post, just sharing some pixels I love and would love to come back to in the next few years…

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