Can baby tech make parenting easier?


Parenting isn’t always unicorns and fairytales, it can become a bit overwhelming when you can’t seem to catch a breath.

Forgetting your child in front of your phone or iPad trying to distract him or her can bring heavy guilty feelings, but also time for a quick cuppa. How about giving up this guilt while using tech for more than as a distraction for your kids? Find out more about self-warming baby bottles, high-tech baby monitors, and “smart” onesies which are all designed to meet your parenting needs. 

But do they actually help? To find out more about baby tech, the Verge has enlisted the help of Cool Mom Tech‘s Liz Gumbinner, MoMath president Glen Whitney, and The Verge‘s own Ben Popper while Ben Popper’s kids are helping them test some of these products out.

Dads just be thrilled 😉

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