3 creatively healthy so easy to do popsicle recipes


The air is hot, the parks are full, the beach is crowded…Though, if you’re looking for cool ways to fight this unexpected heatwave, you don’t have to get a ticket to the North Pole, but make good friends in your feeezer. 

I gathered here three of the extremely lightest, smartest, most colourful and tastiest summer treats to spoil your buds while making sure you’re enjoying the healthiest alternative to the sugary creamy and naughty ice-creams. No sugar. 


1. The fun layers. Striped fruit pops

Work on a smart presentation of colourful layers using pureed fruits, such as kiwi, strawberry, mango, blueberry, watermelon and pineapple, however the choice is eventually yours so feel free to get creative. 

Click for the easiest recipe and get freezing! 


2. The surprise mix. Chocolate avocado pudding pops 

I know this may look like a very bizarre ingredient match for some of us, but I promise you the flavours totally work! Children and adults will both be crazy about this creative dessert which is packed with healthy fats from avocado and coconut oil. 

Here’s the cool recipe, I’m eager to get your thoughts on it once you give it a try! 



3. The three ingredients. Greek yogurt pops  

This is indeed a three ingredients only simplest dessert of the summer! Just get yogurt, fruit and honey and you’re about to get a real treat. Check out details of the recipe


Hungry for more? Cool new recipes for the entire family will soon follow.

Meanwhile, share your summer creative kitchen with us 😉

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