Coke & smoke – 22 shocking parenting tips in the ’50s


When I used to think of vintage, retro or old school parenting, I imagined staying at home role model mums living in the suburbs, baking goodies while hoovering the place up on their retro high heels; pretty much leading an uncomplicated life around their tiny humans’ universe. Or at least that’s how books and Hollywood movies made my brain process this entire era of kitchen aprons, big hairdos, tight waist dresses pretty sweaters and a cute subtle pearl necklace.

Instead here’s 22 ‘cool’ parenting experiments that altered this mental image of mine of the glowing ’50s (which I’m sure you’ll also find quite worrying with a hint of funny)…

1. A wise start in life for your child. Oh mum, think again…

2. Motherhood & cigarettes, one couldn’t live without the other…

3. Dieting? But why trouble yourself when there’s Lucky Strike? Future mums, watch and learn…

4. Children, don’t even try this at home!

5. In case you’re struggling because your child is not a fan of the old Coke, try this…

6. Or braaap, wait until you hear this! Birthday present? Sorted. Done.

7. If mummy smokes, why wouldn’t daddy have a family treat?

8. Release your child’s pain simply and effectively with a tiny coke dose.

9. Love and cereals. Trix it well, but try harder to make them smile.

10. Christmas pressies? Here’s an idea…

11. Generation gap? It will vanish over a pint.

12. Mothers know best.

13. Baby’s first sip? Breastmilk beer, of course.

14. Doctor recommended. For mums, bumps and breathing creatures.

15. Pregnancy aid. To ease that killing nausea.

16. Baby’s honest thought.

17. For healthy locks I guess.

18. Hey mama, more beer here!


19. More 7up in case you’re not already convinced…

20. Poor health and safety, but good skin.

21. Get your baby tanned, go on, it’s pure light & good health…

22. Buy it now and it’s a promise they’ll pass it onto their grandchildren…

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